
Please feel free to share your experiences and testimonials with us.



Bro. Donald Vest on 09-27-2023 at 9:15 AM
Thank you, Amber for your testimony. It is never easy sharing one's story of where they were to where they have come, but we can thank Jesus that he loved us so much that He was willing to pay the price for our sins and give us new life in him. I am sure God will use you in a mighty way to help lead others to Christ. Thank you again for sharing your testimony and may God richly bless you in your walk with him.
Bro. Thurston Townsend on 09-27-2023 at 8:14 AM
Thank you for being honest and transparent, it takes a lot of grit to bare your life. You testimony will give others hope, and faith that God will overcome in there life's situations. Thank you, and may the blessings of JESUS!!! be in your life.
Amber Hagler on 09-27-2023 at 12:05 AM
EVEN AT TIMES WHEN YOUR FAITH IS SMALL AS A MUSTARD SEED......NEVER GIVE UP!! I've had nowhere to go ,I've lost my kid, Lost my family, lost everything I had except what I wore to the jail the day my entire life changed; March 23, 2016 ..At the age of 23 with a toddler, at one time my grandma Betty Sue Was the only one that I was able to depend on and even after all she done for me, I still done her wrong every time. I took advantage of her, stole from her, used her, and i blamed her for a lot of things and that hurt my grandma really bad. But Even after all the things I done to that woman, to this day that same woman is still standing by my side and it will not be easy and it hasn't been easy but I can absolutely guarantee that my worst days sober are so much better than my best days high. And that I can truly say that I have stood in a lot of your shoes and I can even say that I was doing an ounce of dope a day easy all by myself shooting it up like it was nothing . I treated the dope like it was my everything but the dope quickly showed me how I was just nothing and it took my everything away. Literally everything I had... When I got the treatment I had nothing but myself and the clothes I left jail wearing. And the whole reason I got clean was because my mama told me if I got clean and done what the court's told me that she would give me my kid back and this was on March 23rd 2016 and since then I've gained 5 years 2 weeks sober!! I have graduated parenting class twice, have successfully completed three and a half years of supervised probation, 16 months of drug court and 16 months of court referral officer, 16 months of color code and random drug screens. I have also successfully started a business legitimately in my name well not one business but three actually. I have gotten married, I have earned and associate's degree in human services with a specialization in addictions and recovery, also earned a certificate as a logistics specialist and Ive even gotten 3/4 of the way through with earning my bachelor's degree. It has been the most hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life, but it is also the most rewarding, honest, respectable and honorable thing that I've ever done in my entire life. Still to this day, my mom hasn't gave me my kid back even though I've done everything she's asked of me and then some; trying to prove myself to her. But honestly I have days, really bad days; when I sometimes still want to throw in the towel and say i give up all together because like you know what's the use because the only reason that I got sober was to get my kid back..... But then reality hits me and I realize that me and my child are exactly where God wants us to be right now. My child is happy where he's at, he's well taken care of, he's loved beyond measure and he knows his mama loves him with all her heart and doesn't even question it.. There was a time he used to question it but now ,But now he knows better and i know that he's taken care of so i can focus on taking care of me right now and im alright with getting him every weekend and being able to be part of his life and i know that if i mess up , i will lose all of that again and lose everything ive gained so far and my child deserves more than a mother as a statistic and i deserve to be better today than I was yesterday. But with Gods grace and mercy and him using my Grandmother as a vessel to get through to me, and allowing me to go through the process ive been through, allowed me to grow and learn forgiveness, patience, love, compassion, and how to be present in the present moment. Back when i was a kid i won state bible drills of 2004 in ozark alabama . I strayed away from the church around my 16-18yr old age, and never really wanted to go back. But God knew that i needed to go back and he allowed my self will to cause massive destruction in my life and had me to fall all the way to my rock bottom in order to show me the way to build the pathway to my future self , with the rocks from my bottom, as my stepping stones along the way. Each stone with a special memory of where i come from and where i now help people come from as well.. God has been absolutely incredible in my life and in my family's life. I thank yall for reading my testimony and always remember to ask god for what he wants for you and your life and to show you how to get it . I love you all and God bless.
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